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Activated Carbon Block 20 Inch Fat (Big Blue)

Activated Carbon Block 20 Inch Fat (Big Blue)

20 inch Big Blue Carbon Block Water Filter

Carbon Water Filters have been used for centuries to filter impurities from drinking water.

Carbon is a very powerful absorbent; one pound (half a kilogram) of carbon contains a surface area of 125 acres (0.5 square kilometers).

The material has millions tiny pores, usually invisible to eye, and can absorb thousands of water contaminants Carbon Block Filters ( or "charcoal water filters" ) have higher contaminant removal capability

Carbon Block simultaneously removes chlorine taste and odor, and organic chemicals that contribute to taste and odor, while providing the particulate filtration and dirt-holding capacity of an efficient 5µm nominal sediment filter.

The extrusion process allows the production of a carbon block with more carbon, but a lower pressure drop.

Carbon Block filters deliver extended life while removing sediment, chlorine taste and odor, and organic contaminants from water, aqueous solutions or suspensions. The Carbon Block filter is also widely used in filtering organic solvents, some pesticides and heavy metals .

Activated Carbon and "Block" Filters are usually rated by size of the particles it can remove. Typical ratings are from 50 micron (least effective) to 0.5 micron (most effective). We generally use 5 micron carbon blocks in our systems, because it gives us very effective absorption capabilities in combination with acceptable water flow rates

- 20 Inch Big Blue

- Length – 51 cm , Diameter – 13 cm

- Maximum flow – 3 gallons per minute or 11,34 liters per minute

- Maximum pressure – 125 psi or 8,6 bar

- Maximum temperature – 100 F or 37,7 C

- Service life – 10 000 gallons or 37800 liters