2 Meiering Naude Road, Pretoria, Unit 19 Scientia Techno Park

+27 71 605 1637


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Activated Carbon 1054 Vessel with Automatic Head

Mega Char Vessel 1054 with Automatic Head

1054 Vessel - Diameter 25 cm

- Height 137 cm

- Volume 59 Liters

- Flow Rate 1500 liters per hour

Automatic Head

This head is Automated and does the backwash and quick rinse it self and can be programmed to when you want it to be done ,we normally do it at night because while while running the backwash your water will be cut off from your house for 5 minutes these heads comes in different sizes in and out ports the most popular size for the ports is 1 inch (25 mm) 4000 LPH

Activated Carbon Media

This media is most effective at removing Chlorine , Pesticides , Sediment , Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs) and changing the taste and odor of the water. One gram of Activated Carbon has a surface area of 500 - 3000 m2 and this makes it very effective in removing contaminants for water

This vessel comes with one bag of Activated Carbon media which will make your vessel half full we prefer not to fill our vessels more than half with media because your media needs room to backwash properly

This set up also comes in the 844 Vessel and the 1354 Vessel so to fit your needs of water flow