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Reverse Osmosis 4000 Gallons Per Day

Reverse Osmosis 4000 Gallons Per Day


4000 RO compact commercial reverse osmosis system is a durable piece of equipment which, with proper care and maintenance will last for many years.

RD series systems are part of a family of reverse osmosis units designed for operation with fresh and brackish feed waters having TDS values below 2,000 ppm.

Models are available with permeate outputs of between 4000 Gpd and 500 lph as shown in the specifications tables.

Technical specs:

Feed Water TDS - <1500ppm

Permeate Flow Rate - 8 LPM / 500 LPH / 4000 GPD

Concentrate Flow Rate - 6 LPM / 300 LPH / 2500 GPD

Feed Rate - 14 LPM / 800 LPH / 6500 GPD


Motor HP - 1.1 KW

Wet Contact Material - Stainless Steel 304

Pump Pressure - 6.3 to 9.5 Bar

Membrane Element - ULP31-4040

Membrane Quantity - 2

Housing - 4040 Stainless Steel

Flow Meter Permeate - Yes

Flow Meter Concentrate - Yes

Pressure Gauge Inlet - Yes

Pressure Gauge Before Membrane - Yes

Float or Radar Tank Switch Ready - Yes

Feed Valve - PVC 1/2 Inch

Auto Inlet Valve - Brass Solenoid 1/2 Inch

Auto Flush Valve - Brass Solenoid 1/2 Inch

Concentrate Valve - 1/2 Stainless Steel

Inlet Size - 1 Inch / 25 mm Female

Permeate Size - 1/2 Inch / 15mm

Concentrate Drain Size - 3/4 Inch / 22mm

Power - 220 Volt